Author: Samm Desmond
Walking Tour #4
We held our fourth walking tour on Saturday, October 7, 2023. This tour focused on the Ravenna Park, the beautiful park that is adjacent to and south of the District. Larry Johnson led one of two groups for the walking tour. He was assisted by board member Lani Johnson, as well as volunteer Dante Moreno.…
Walking Tour #3
On Saturday, June 24, FORC hosted the third of our walks through the Historic District. This walking tour covered the easternmost section of the District encompassing the University Place and College plats and portions of the Wade, Wasson, Alder Park, and Ravenna Springs Parks plats, ending up at the Ravenna Commercial District.
Walking Tour #2 – University Scenic Plat
On May 6, 2023, FORC hosted our second historical interest walk through the central section of the Historic District. About 60 neighbors participated with FORC president, Larry E. Johnson, AIA, leading the group and pointing out points of interest along the way. You can download Walk #2 below and take a self-guided tour too. This…
Celebration For Our Historic Ravenna-Cowen Neighborhood
On October 1, 2022, FORC hosted a celebration of the Ravenna-Cowen Historic District in Cowen Park. Over 50 neighbors and 3 local politicians joined in the event. FORC Board President Larry Johnson described the mission of the organization and lead a tour of Cowen Park and the Cowen University Park Platt (east and north of…
National Historic District Street Signs
In late 2018, FORC applied for a City of Seattle Small Sparks grant from the Department of Neighborhoods (DON) to install Historic District street signs. The application was approved in 2019, and the Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) installed the signs in February 2020. The signs were paid for by a combination of volunteer time…